Monday, December 3, 2007

Kylie Minogue - Botox? Maybe not...

Is Kylie Minogue on Botox? The second photo is from, and shows what most people would think is a classic Botox brow. The first photo, however, shows a somewhat similar arched brow from her Locomotion record back in the 80's, before Botox.
So what's going on?
While I agree that the second photo may show an eyebrow with a classic Botox arch, I do find that people's facial asymmetries often exaggerate with age, and a slightly arched eyebrow may become more and more arched as a person ages. We may see this with Duane Johnson, aka the Rock, as he ages.
So does Kylie use Botox? Maybe...not.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

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