Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Heath Ledger’s Golden Globe to go to his daughter

Three-year-old Matilda will get dad's award

Heath Ledger’s parents want his Golden Globe to go to his three-year-old daughter Matilda.

The actor died last January after an accidental overdose of prescription drugs.

His last complete film The Dark Knight won him Best Supporting Actor for his role as The Joker.

‘I should imagine that eventually it will be going to Matilda,’ Heath’s mum Sally Bell tells People.

‘At this stage she is only so young, but down the track she will have all these things. It will belong to her because she is part of him.

'It is such a fantastic and wonderful legacy for his daughter. Matilda
will have so many people who will be able to speak to her about her
father's abilities and [the] respect he had in the industry.’

Heath had Matilda with ex-fiancée Michelle Williams, 28.


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