Tuesday, January 13, 2009

John Travolta's Florida thanks

John Travolta and wife Kelly Preston have thanked the people of Florida for supporting them following the death of their teenage son.

The couple issued a letter to the people of Ocala - where 16-year-old Jett's funeral was held last week, at the couple's holiday home - through their attorney Michael McDermott, thanking them for their help during an "impossibly painful situation".

They wrote: From the people who drove hours to drop off cards and flowers at our doorstep, to the service providers who made Jett's ceremony so beautiful, thank you
The letter reads: "The enormous amount of love, support and condolence we have received from this community has been most humbling. Comforting words, thoughts and prayers of Ocala's citizens have made an impossibly painful situation a little less painful."

John and Kelly - who also have eight-year-old daughter Ella - also praised the community for allowing them to grieve for Jett in private.

It continues: "The actions of Ocala's community leaders, its law enforcement professionals, our neighbours at Jumbolair and its surrounding communities have offered us the dignity to grieve the loss of our son and Ella's brother in peace. For this we will always be grateful."

Fans and well-wishers gathered outside the gates of the family's home when the funeral of Jett - who died on January 2 after suffering a seizure while the family were on holiday in the Bahamas - took place, with many leaving flowers and notes offering their condolences.

John and Kelly were touched by the outpouring of emotion in the community and were keen to let the public know just how much it meant to them.

They wrote: "From the people who drove hours to drop off cards and flowers at our doorstep, to the service providers who made Jett's ceremony so beautiful, thank you. By sharing our grief, you lessen our burden. For all of the people who have kept Jett in their prayers, know that those prayers have given us inspiration and strength."What we have experienced in Ocala transcends neighbourly civility. We have been treated as family. Although we lost a good part of the joy and radiance of our family, your embracing us as a member of your own has helped us to contend with our loss."


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