Thursday, December 6, 2007

Scarlett Johansson Threatens to Sue US Weekly

Scarlett Johannson has threatened legal action over a recent cover story in US Weekly featured photos of her with the headline, "A-List Nip / Tuck." According to OK! Magazine, Scarlett stated:

"I have always been straightforward with the press regarding my body image and I am very concerned that my fans (and perhaps even my employers) will feel misled. Thus, I feel compelled to take immediate legal action against US Weekly."

Her representative also stated:

"The publication (US Weekly) made a pathetic attempt to validate its story by using two cover photos...with obviously different make-up and lighting, and then relying on an 'expert's opinion' on what 'might' have been done. It wasn't.'"

I don't think she's had anything done, but I do believe in free speech. I'm glad I wasn't the 'expert' in this story!

Photo credit:

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

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